Getting Started#



The easiest way to install ConnectorX is using pip, with the following command:

pip install connectorx

Build from source code#

  • Step 0: Install tools.

    • Install Rust: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

    • Install just: cargo install just

    • Install Poetry: pip3 install poetry

  • Step 1: Fresh clone of source.

git clone
  • Step 2: Install and switch to the correct rust version (please refer this file and search for rust for the latest using version).

rustup install {version}
rustup override set {version}
  • Step 3: Install system dependencies. Please refer to release.yml for dependencies needed for different os.

  • Step 4: Install python dependencies.

just bootstrap-python
  • Step 5: Build wheel.

just build-python-wheel


  • OPENSSL_NO_VENDOR=1 might required to compile for windows users.

  • Dynamic library is required for the python installation. (e.g. If you are using pyenv, use command PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS=“--enable-shared” pyenv install {version} to install python since dylib is not enabled by default.)