Assignment 1. SQL Basics


In this assignment, you will go through the pipeline of using SQL to store and query a database. You will learn the followings:

In addition, you will get familiar with Jupyter (a widely-used tool in the data science world).

We will choose SQLite as our DBMS. In contrast to many other database management systems (e.g., Oracle, DB2, and SQL Servier), SQLite is not a client–server database engine. Rather, it is embedded into the end program. This unique feature has led it to be adopted by billions of applications.

Setup & Warmup

  1. Please follow this setup page to setup environment
  2. Please download the warmup.ipynb notebook. It will help you get familiar with SQLite and Jupyter notebook. If you have any question, please ask on Piazza.

Task 1. Using SQL to create a database (9 points)

In this task, your goal is to create a database (named coursys), and then create two tables in the database. The first table is named students and the second table is named grades.

Please execute the following cell to load the ipython-sql extension.

1.1 (1 point) Create an empty database named coursys

1.2 (4 points) Create a table named grades

The grades table has four columns and six rows as shown below.

studentid, course, mark, credit
1, CMPT 354, 90,   3.5
1, MATH 251, 85,   4
1, CMPT 120, 79.5, 5
2, CMPT 354, 95,   3.5
2, CMPT 120, 59,   5
2, MATH 251, 70,   4

Please write an SQL query to create the grades table. Note that the table has to meet the following requirements.

Please write SQL queries to insert the above data (six rows) into the grades table

1.3 (4 points) Create a table named students

The students table has four columns and two rows as shown below.

id, name, gender, age
1, Justin Bieber, Male, 18
2, Celine Dion, Female, 19

Please write an SQL query to create the students table. Note that the table has to meet the following requirements.

Please write SQL queries to insert the above data (2 rows) into the student table

Task 2. Using SQL to query a database (11 points)

2.1 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show all rows in the grades table

2.2 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show the rows whose course is "CMPT 354" in the grades table

2.3 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show the rows whose mark is larger than 60 and credit is no smaller than 4 in the grades table

2.4 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show the rows whose course starts with "CMPT" in the grades table.

2.5 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show studentid, course and mark of all rows in the grades table

2.6 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show distinct course of all rows in the grades table

2.7 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show studentid, course and markpoint of all rows in the grades table. markpoint is defined as markpoint = mark * credit.

2.8 (2 points) Please write an SQL query to find the students who have taken "CMPT 354" and show their name, mark.

2.9 (2 point) Please write an SQL query to compute lettergrade of each row in the grades table, and show studentid, course and lettergrade of all rows in the grades table. lettergrade is computed as follows:

Hint: please use a CASE expression to transform numerical marks to letters.


Complete the code in this notebook A1.ipynb, and submit it to the CourSys activity Assignment 1.