Environment Setup

You need jupyter, SQLite, and ipython-sql for doing this assignment. If you have any question, please ask on Piazza.

Install Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter (originally called IPython Notebook) is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Please install it using Anaconda.

  1. Download & install Anaconda for Python 3.9 here
  2. Open a terminal and type jupyter notebook to confirm that the installation works

Install SQLite

If you are using Mac OS X or Linux, SQLite should be pre-installed. Open a terminal and type sqlite3. To exit, type .exit

If you are using Windows, please do the followings:

Install ipython-sql

ipython-sql is a jupyter notebook extension. It allows you to use SQL queries nicely inside jupyter notebooks. You can easily install it using Anaconda.