Basic usage#

LineageX provides you with the column level lineage graph with minimum amount of code and flexible input formats.


lineagex.lineagex(sql: Union[List, str], target_schema: Optional[str] = "", conn_string: Optional[str] = None, search_path_schema: Optional[str] = "")


  • sql: Union[List, str]: The input of the SQL files, it can be a path to a file, a path to a folder containing SQL files, a list of SQLs or a list of view names and/or schemas

  • target_schema: Optional[str] = "": The schema where the SQL files would be created, defaults to public, or the first schema in the search_path_schema if provided

  • conn_string: Optional[str] = None: The postgres connection string in the format postgresql://username:password@server:port/database, defaults to None

  • search_path_schema: Optional[str] = "": The SET search_path TO ... schemas, defaults to public or the target_schema if provided

The conn_string to the database is optional, but it is highly recommended to provide the connection for the best result. Here is a live demo with the mimic-iv concepts_postgres files(navigation instructions)


  • This is a generic example, but there are also included examples in the package

Example SQL:#

table1.sql - SELECT column1, column2 FROM schema1.other_table WHERE column3 IS NOT NULL;
table2.sql - SELECT column1 AS new_column1, column2 AS new_column2 from schema1.table1;

Example function call:#

from lineagex.lineagex import lineagex
lineagex(sql=path/to/sql, target_schema="schema1", search_path_schema="schema1, public")
# Other alternative ways of calling, like a list of SQL
lineagex(sql=[list_of_sql], target_schema="schema1", search_path_schema="schema1, public") 
# Schema and view name, this would output lineage information for all views in schema1 and schema2.view2
lineagex(sql="schema1, schema2.view2", conn_string="postgresql://username:password@server:port/database") 

For included examples, there are 4, the dependency_example, github_example, mimic-iii, mimic-iv#

from lineagex.example import example

example("github_example") ## this is the example from above

For output and navigation details, please view here