postgres_arrow2.rsuse crate::destinations::arrow2::{
Arrow2TypeSystem, DateTimeWrapperMicro, NaiveDateTimeWrapperMicro, NaiveTimeWrapperMicro,
Arrow2Destination, Arrow2DestinationError,
use crate::sources::postgres::{
BinaryProtocol, CSVProtocol, CursorProtocol, PostgresSource, PostgresSourceError,
PostgresTypeSystem, SimpleProtocol,
use crate::typesystem::TypeConversion;
use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime, Utc};
use num_traits::ToPrimitive;
use postgres::NoTls;
use postgres_openssl::MakeTlsConnector;
use rust_decimal::Decimal;
use serde_json::Value;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use thiserror::Error;
use uuid::Uuid;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum PostgresArrow2TransportError {
Source(#[from] PostgresSourceError),
Destination(#[from] Arrow2DestinationError),
ConnectorX(#[from] crate::errors::ConnectorXError),
pub struct PostgresArrow2Transport<P, C>(PhantomData<P>, PhantomData<C>);
macro_rules! impl_postgres_transport {
($proto:ty, $tls:ty) => {
name = PostgresArrow2Transport<$proto, $tls>,
error = PostgresArrow2TransportError,
systems = PostgresTypeSystem => Arrow2TypeSystem,
route = PostgresSource<$proto, $tls> => Arrow2Destination,
mappings = {
{ Float4[f32] => Float32[f32] | conversion auto }
{ Float8[f64] => Float64[f64] | conversion auto }
{ Numeric[Decimal] => Float64[f64] | conversion option }
{ Int2[i16] => Int32[i32] | conversion auto }
{ Int4[i32] => Int32[i32] | conversion auto }
{ Int8[i64] => Int64[i64] | conversion auto }
{ Bool[bool] => Boolean[bool] | conversion auto }
{ Text[&'r str] => LargeUtf8[String] | conversion owned }
{ BpChar[&'r str] => LargeUtf8[String] | conversion none }
{ VarChar[&'r str] => LargeUtf8[String] | conversion none }
{ Enum[&'r str] => LargeUtf8[String] | conversion none }
{ Name[&'r str] => LargeUtf8[String] | conversion none }
{ Timestamp[NaiveDateTime] => Date64Micro[NaiveDateTimeWrapperMicro] | conversion option }
{ Date[NaiveDate] => Date32[NaiveDate] | conversion auto }
{ Time[NaiveTime] => Time64Micro[NaiveTimeWrapperMicro] | conversion option }
{ TimestampTz[DateTime<Utc>] => DateTimeTzMicro[DateTimeWrapperMicro] | conversion option }
{ UUID[Uuid] => LargeUtf8[String] | conversion option }
{ Char[&'r str] => LargeUtf8[String] | conversion none }
{ ByteA[Vec<u8>] => LargeBinary[Vec<u8>] | conversion auto }
{ JSON[Value] => LargeUtf8[String] | conversion option }
{ JSONB[Value] => LargeUtf8[String] | conversion none }
{ BoolArray[Vec<bool>] => BoolArray[Vec<bool>] | conversion auto_vec }
{ Int2Array[Vec<i16>] => Int64Array[Vec<i64>] | conversion auto_vec }
{ Int4Array[Vec<i32>] => Int64Array[Vec<i64>] | conversion auto_vec }
{ Int8Array[Vec<i64>] => Int64Array[Vec<i64>] | conversion auto }
{ Float4Array[Vec<f32>] => Float64Array[Vec<f64>] | conversion auto_vec }
{ Float8Array[Vec<f64>] => Float64Array[Vec<f64>] | conversion auto }
{ NumericArray[Vec<Decimal>] => Float64Array[Vec<f64>] | conversion option }
{ VarcharArray[Vec<String>] => Utf8Array[Vec<String>] | conversion none }
{ TextArray[Vec<String>] => Utf8Array[Vec<String>] | conversion auto }
impl_postgres_transport!(BinaryProtocol, NoTls);
impl_postgres_transport!(BinaryProtocol, MakeTlsConnector);
impl_postgres_transport!(CSVProtocol, NoTls);
impl_postgres_transport!(CSVProtocol, MakeTlsConnector);
impl_postgres_transport!(CursorProtocol, NoTls);
impl_postgres_transport!(CursorProtocol, MakeTlsConnector);
impl_postgres_transport!(SimpleProtocol, NoTls);
impl_postgres_transport!(SimpleProtocol, MakeTlsConnector);
impl<P, C> TypeConversion<NaiveTime, NaiveTimeWrapperMicro> for PostgresArrow2Transport<P, C> {
fn convert(val: NaiveTime) -> NaiveTimeWrapperMicro {
impl<P, C> TypeConversion<NaiveDateTime, NaiveDateTimeWrapperMicro>
for PostgresArrow2Transport<P, C>
fn convert(val: NaiveDateTime) -> NaiveDateTimeWrapperMicro {
impl<P, C> TypeConversion<DateTime<Utc>, DateTimeWrapperMicro> for PostgresArrow2Transport<P, C> {
fn convert(val: DateTime<Utc>) -> DateTimeWrapperMicro {
impl<P, C> TypeConversion<Uuid, String> for PostgresArrow2Transport<P, C> {
fn convert(val: Uuid) -> String {
impl<P, C> TypeConversion<Decimal, f64> for PostgresArrow2Transport<P, C> {
fn convert(val: Decimal) -> f64 {
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("cannot convert decimal {:?} to float64", val))
impl<P, C> TypeConversion<Vec<Decimal>, Vec<f64>> for PostgresArrow2Transport<P, C> {
fn convert(val: Vec<Decimal>) -> Vec<f64> {
.map(|v| {
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("cannot convert decimal {:?} to float64", v))
impl<P, C> TypeConversion<Value, String> for PostgresArrow2Transport<P, C> {
fn convert(val: Value) -> String {